Win Tickets to See Karl Denson's Tiny Universe Play Rick James

My Spilt Milk has a pair of tickets to give away to this late night show at the House of Blues.
Jazz Fest at night has become a time for jam funk and one-time-only shows, and one of the more entertaining ideas is Karl Denson’s Tiny Universe spending a night covering the great Rick James Thursday night at the House of Blues. Chappelle’s Show picked up the image James created with "Super Freak" and "Give It to Me Baby," making James a comedic icon of lascivious self-absorption, but James was a funk legend first. His songbook gives Denson a lot to work with.
My Spilt Milk has a pair of tickets to see Denson’s late night tribute to Rick James. Register here for a chance to win. Contest closes Thursday morning at 10 a.m.
Alex Rawls