"Metal Grasshopper" Finds a Home

Chris Lee from Supagroup finds an online home for his heavy metal comedy starring Phil Anselmo and comedian Dave Hill.
Earlier this summer, I interviewed comedian Dave Hill about his experience working with Down’s Philip H. Anselmo on Metal Grasshopper, a web-based comedy series made by Supagroup’s Chris Lee.
According to Hill:
We rented a goat. I set fire to a pentagram on his front lawn. He’s such a goofball, and I mean that in the best of ways. Phil’s non-stop. People heard we’ve been working together and assume that he’s this super intense, super serious dude all the time. No, it’s just the opposite. I hope we can do more of it; there’s endless silliness between us.
At Hill’s show at One Eyed Jacks, Lee screened a few episodes of the show, which had yet to find an online home at the time. As Hill’s sensei teaching him the ways of heavy metal, Anselmo is hysterical, and thankfully MetalInjection.net is now premiering new episodes weekly starting yesterday with the necessary first chapter of the story.
New episodes will go up on Tuesdays.