Music, The Milk RunAlex RawlsAugust 28, 2014Amanda Shires, Americana, Block Party, Hawkwind, highlight, hip-hop, indie rock, Mad Decent, Nik Turner, picks, Polyphonic Spree, space rock, YelephantsComment Block Parties, Sprees, and a Version of Hawkwind Our picks for the week include the Mad Decent Block Party, Amanda Shires, the Polyphonic Spree, Carin's Proton Blast, and Nik Turner's Hawkwind. Music, The Milk RunAlex RawlsAugust 28, 2014Amanda Shires, Americana, Block Party, Hawkwind, highlight, hip-hop, indie rock, Mad Decent, Nik Turner, picks, Polyphonic Spree, space rock, YelephantsComment