Voodoo News: Sunday's Picks

Chance the Rapper and Eric Prydz top our highlights for the last day of Voodoo 2015.
Saturday didn't deliver the monsoon we were led to expect, but the continuous light rain, combined with all the foot traffic, took its toll on City Park's festival grounds. The plot of land that hosts Voodoo doesn't drain particularly well, so leaving after Ozzy Osbourne's closing set meant a literally joyless slog through mud and standing water--thankfully shallow, but still .... With that in mind, our top pick for Sunday is shoes you don't care about or shrimp boots that can take a beating.
Musically, Voodoo is taking a new step this year by closing the festival with an EDM artist, Deadmau5, on its Altar stage. We're more interested in Eric Prydz, who'll close Le Plur early so that fans can migrate from one stage to the other. The last rock show will be the return of alternative rock band Third Eye Blind at the Carnival stage. Last night, that stage fought the sound bleed from the Altar during Public Image Ltd.'s set by being ear ringingly loud, so a pick for Third Eye Blind fans is ear plugs because Deadmau5's sound will carry.
Here's our downloadable schedule and guide to Sunday at Voodoo. It's a good day to save it to your phone since paper will end up soggy quickly.